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Atomic MSN Messenger Password Recovery

Atomic MSN Password Recovery
Instant MSN Messenger login information restoring
When you may need our password recovery tool
If you are a MSN Messenger
user and your instant messenger (IM) login data have been saved on your PC,
the messenger will log in automatically each time you turn on your computer.
When you are using the same PC it doesn't matter if you do not remember your
IM password anymore but if you wish to sign-into your MSN Messenger account
on another machine it turns into big problem! Atomic MSN Password Recovery
is just what you need then!
Our solutions to restore MSN Messenger password
Atomic MSN Messenger Password Recovery is a program to expose login
username and password information (stored locally) instantly and 100% correct
regardless of password length or MSN Messenger version.
Atomic MSN Password Recovery works in a fully automatic mode.
Multilingual passwords are supported.
Program recovers stored login information (when the "Remember my Password"
tickbox is checked in the messenger) for the current computer user. So it cannot
be used to crack somebody else passwords remotely!
Atomic MSN Password Recovery screenshot

Remember that only your own passwords (stored on your computer) can be recovered.
More information about Atomic MSN Password Recovery you can find in
Brief manual
Other IM password recovery tools
If you are using IM software other than MSN Messenger we can offer you 6
more Atomic password recovery tools for the most popular instant messengers
Trial version limitations
It is always a good idea to try before you buy and make certain that our
software fits your requirements.
Trial period is endless. Unregistered (trial) version shows found password
symbols replaced with '*'. To get your password unmasked you should register
your copy. Click on the 'Buy a full version' below to purchase a registration